Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design

Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design CBD Shaman UI Onboarding Project

Title: CBD Shaman UI Onboarding Project  Creative Director: Asha Ford  Art Director: Asha Ford  Designer: Asha Ford  Professor: Kristine Kim


Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design Historic Banning Mills Website Design

Title: Historic Banning Mills Website Design  Creative Director: Ethan Pound  Art Director: Ethan Pound  Designer: Ethan Pound  Professor: Kristine Kim


Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design House of Chan Website Redesign

Title: House of Chan Website Redesign  Creative Director: Joel Kayamba  Art Director: Joel Kayamba  Designer: Joel Kayamba  Professor: Kristine Kim


Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design SOAAD Mobile App

Title: SOAAD Mobile App  Creative Director: Lizzie Butler  Art Director: Lizzie Butler  Designer: Cheyenne Solomon  Prototyper: Sueda Akaybicen  Content Writer: Brianna Knott


Kennesaw State University, School of Art and Design SPACED Website Design

Title: SPACED Website Design  Creative Director: Kovi Duchesne  Art Director: Kovi Duchesne  Designer: Kovi Duchesne  Professor: Kristine Kim